Lisa Gretzky MPP, for Windsor West

Government of Ontario

Repeal the Unfair Clawbacks to Auto Workers’ Emergency Leave Days

Repeal the Unfair Clawbacks to Auto Workers’ Emergency Leave Days!


To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario:

WHEREAS: Ontario Auto Workers have been unfairly singled out with an Employment Standards Act exemption in regulation 502/06

WHEREAS: Auto workers are hardworking people, who juggle strenuous physical labour in the workplace, rotating work shifts as well as six day work weeks and twelve hour shifts, all while balancing the challenging demands of taking care of a family

WHEREAS: Clawbacks to auto workers’ bereavement days and personal emergency leave under the Employment Standards Act exemption in regulation 502/06  will have detrimental impacts on workers, as well as their families and their work

WHEREAS: These changes to the Employment Standards Act are discriminatory against one particular sector in Ontario

WHEREAS: Auto workers deserve the same rights and protections as every other worker in Ontario

THEREFORE, we the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to immediately repeal the regulation to the Employment Standards Act which reduces the number of emergency leave days for auto workers.


Download a printable petition here!

Please note that only printed copies of this petition, with original signatures, are able to be tabled and presented in the Legislature


50 signatures

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